Fall in Florida

Nov 9, 2011
… is windy and rainy this week– cold enough for pants (for me, not for anyone else in my family) and even sweatshirts– at least until it gets back up toward 80 degrees next week.  Crazy warm for us northern folk!
And for an update, my implant exchange (breast reconstruction post breast cancer) surgery went well, with a great recovery so far and beautiful results.  Fingers are crossed that things continue to go smoothly.  After having an infection after my surgery back in February, more surgeries and hospital stays, and a re-re-replaced implant, I get a little worried about strange things happening, so I am thankful that things are fine right now.  The worst part is that I have a weight restriction for 6 weeks, so I am getting creative about keeping up my strength while staying safe.  In a couple of months I will go back in to get nipples, and that’s pretty much the end of the saga.  A little over a year after the craziness began, I’ll be done with cancer and have a beautiful new set of breasts.
Matt is busy learning the ropes of his new job and his new ship.  This Navy job means he’s gone much more than we expected, both during the work week while in port, and during the week-long ‘underways’ out to sea they’ve been doing once a month.  They are preparing for a 7 month deployment in May, which means that up until then they will continue to go out to sea more frequently and for longer durations.  We are planning on moving the kids and I back to Montana during the long deployment.
In the meantime we are doing our best to enjoy the time we have together, keep our bodies fit and healthy, enjoy the Florida weather, be parents and partners, and bring the best we have to what we are faced with.
Making Robots
Gratitude Tree

1 Comment

  • Reply MAILLI November 9, 2011 at 3:31 pm


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