mmm, cookies!

May 2, 2012

I’m pretty sure we love clay around here.  It seems like the majority of my kid project posts over the years have something to do with our clay or dough creations.  This project was Cedar’s idea, after we read a library book, called Mmm, Cookies!, about a boy who makes a red cookie out of clay and goes around tricking people into taking bites of it.  The people make exclamative remarks about the awfulness of the taste and rinse their mouths out with toothpaste and water.  Eventually the boy gets tricked into his own taste of clay cookie and in the end they all go off and make real cookies together.  It is really quite silly.  But our Cedar is very silly, so this book is right up his alley.  He went right to work making his own red clay cookie so he can trick people into taking a bite.  I’m not gonna fall for it!

hatching butterflies

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