
Jul 20, 2015

IMG_6830Untitled1IMG_6898IMG_6913IMG_6923IMG_6930IMG_6454Untitled1-2IMG_7043IMG_7065IMG_7057IMG_6840IMG_6905Oh I have been so very bad at taking and editing photos these days, but here are a few from May.  We enjoyed visitors from Montana along with trips to parks and festivals, water and woods, forts and friends.  Matt’s often been in and out of town on Band gigs.  And we bought a house.  And moved.  And that seems to be where the photos end for a bit.  We’ve been doing so much work together now, in this new home of ours, and enjoying the summer in between… and I’ve found so much satisfaction in the being fully present in our life adventures that I haven’t felt such a need to “document” it all.  It would seem that having work to do is giving me more purpose, and for that I am grateful.


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