spring garden

Jun 8, 2016


It’s been quite a treat to be able to have my own real garden again for the first time in years (since we left our home in MT).  It’s not big, but I’m packing in flowers and veggies wherever I find a spot.  In all honesty, the majority of what I’ve been growing lately is grass (watering those darn grass seeds many times a day throughout the hot days of April and May took a lot of time) around our property, in preparation for renting the house when we leave this place in perhaps a year.  When it’s time to leave, my gardens will become grass as well.  But for NOW, I get to enjoy watching these flowers and vegetables go from seed to table, I get to smile as I watch my kids pick lettuce and peas, I get to make beet greens and creamed spinach and fresh salads and tacos with homegrown cilantro, and I get to watch lovely flowers erupt with color.  It’s a wonderful thing.  I do feel sad I won’t be able to watch and tend the plants in this place over the long term, but I hope Matt reads this and knows I want to grow a garden again in our next location.


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