She Works!

Nov 12, 2010

We have been giving her a weekly allowance and requiring that she complete some simple regular tasks, but on one recent evening Ashton decided to do some extra contributing around the house for money.  I was tired and willing to pay for my chores to be done, so it was a win-win.  She worked hard and enjoyed herself, and it was so fun to watch her and teach her how to use the vacuum, wipe the table and chairs, and check carefully for crumbs.  She donned her apron and pretended to be Cinderella, of course.  When I went over her work with her at the end, she was totally willing to re-wipe and re-vacuum spots she had missed.  She was paid, and now has a bit more money to put toward her next purchase (her choices have been princess and fairy dolls lately).  I’m wondering where this new step will take us as our children begin to be capable of contributing more to the running of our home– which tasks will we require and which will we pay for?  For now, I am glad to see our girl working, learning, and creating money for herself.

Learning to Ride

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