with brannons: market, pizza, downtown, beach, and capua

Jul 5, 2019

Everyone who moves here has a “Sponsor” to help them through the transition, the logistics of moving here, finding a place to live, getting settled and started, etc.  We volunteered to sponsor a Band family we knew at our duty station in Washington, the Brannons.  They are a super sweet family with ridiculously cute kids, and they are from the West which makes us feel even more connected with them (Jared is from NE Idaho, not far from NW Montana).  We spent a lot of time getting them into an apartment, watching their kids while they took Orientation classes, giving them rides, and generally being available for their needs.  The really fun part has been going on local trips with them!  Amie and I went out to the Italian vegetable stand, grocery store and outdoor market, I got to give them their first buffalo mozzarella, and we took them out to a pizza place where the kids got to make their own pizzas, followed by playing in the ocean and gelato.  I also joined them on a downtown Naples tour offered by the base, a beach trip along with more friends, and a trip to Capua Amphitheater.

around here: friends, family, heat, work trips and scout camp!

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