a new normal

Jun 3, 2013

Although I’d like to say we have done this family-running-around-the-beach a lot in the weeks since Matt’s been home, and that life is blissful and amazing all the time now that we are back together, it just wouldn’t be true.  In truth we have had a mix of ups and downs with readjusting to life as a family, the constraints of work/sleep/schedule/time/decision-making, and trying to find our (umm, maybe it’s mostly MY) openness to life as it is now.  I guess I had it all figured out in my head that having Matt back would mean going back to the way it was before deployment, during that time when our purpose was to make our time together as amazing as possible as we moved toward being apart (and for some reason I always seem to remember the past as being much awesomer than it actually was).  Yet now it seems things are different in this new phase of life, and we are back to the trials and joys of learning to be together as a couple and a family, of being vulnerable, of speaking up for what we want, of letting go of control, of listening and compromising, of waking up to expectation and resentment, of remembering how to be human and connect with another person.  Having him back, for me, is another wave to ride in my life, a wave that takes time to re-figure out but that I am certain we will remember how to ride.

looking out, looking in
fun at boneyard beach


  • Reply stacey June 3, 2013 at 3:20 pm

    It’s so funny you should post this because I was thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were adjusting to life with his back. I appreciate your honesty and that it’s not all roses all of the time. I love your analogy to the wave. Gosh, marriage is hard. One day I feel like we are up, and the next we are down. “Waking up to expectation and resentment”, yes. Thinking of you!

  • Reply Liza June 4, 2013 at 12:38 am

    I just had a wonderful time getting lost in all the images I’ve missed. They are truly beautiful. I am glad you are still finding the beauty in the everyday despite, the rocky readjustment period. I know that far too well. This will be us very soon.

  • Reply Andrea June 4, 2013 at 1:41 am

    Beautiful photos!
    I bet it’s hard adjusting to having the family all together again. Eric travels a LOT and it’s always a huge adjustment when he is back home. You put it into words so perfectly. Especially the expectations and resentments. Boy oh boy.

  • Reply tracey June 7, 2013 at 3:07 pm

    I can only imagine the adjustments you’ve had to go through. After nine months apart you two have grown and changed from the experience and yet you’ve not had the intimacy to share the changes with until you reunited. That’s an entirely different challenge! You are amazing and strong and I admire you for your honesty in laying it out before you, confessing the difficulty while embracing the good things as well. What an example!

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